Ayrton, Michael
Ayrton Michael | Michael Ayrton
rajz, akvarell, pasztell, grafikus művész
rajz, akvarell, pasztell, grafikus művész
(Brit, 1921-1975)
Műtárgyak az adatbázisban típusonként
- 328 szobor, kisplasztika, plaket és design-installáció
- 369 festmény
- 458 rajz, vízfestmény, pasztell
- 44 rézkarc, nyomat, plakát
A művész névének változatai
- Michael Ayrton
- Ayrton Michael
Válogatás aukciók és gyűjtemények műveiből
- Ayrton, Michael - Deep Blue Contained
- Ayrton, Michael - Figure on a wall
- Ayrton, Michael - I'Indifferent
- Ayrton, Michael - Mother and Child
- Ayrton, Michael - Amphibian Monster (Temptation of St. Anthony X)
- Ayrton, Michael - Cumae
- Ayrton, Michael - Icarus Falls
- Ayrton, Michael - Dies Irae
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur Risen
- Ayrton, Michael - Acrobats
- Ayrton, Michael - Head of Girl
- Ayrton, Michael - Statue at Night
- Ayrton, Michael - Serpentine Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Untitled (Footballers)
- Ayrton, Michael - Hector Berlioz
- Ayrton, Michael - Lord of the Flies/8
- Ayrton, Michael - Figure in balance IV
- Ayrton, Michael - Orbetello isthmus
- Ayrton, Michael - Falcon landscape
- Ayrton, Michael - Blue dispersing
- Ayrton, Michael - Icarus Fall
- Ayrton, Michael - Inlet
- Ayrton, Michael - Rainstorm on Paxos
- Ayrton, Michael - Standing figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Future Barley
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur Alarmed
- Ayrton, Michael - Head of a Girl (Catalan Cage Birds)
- Ayrton, Michael - The Statue at Night
- Ayrton, Michael - Bullfight - Veronica
- Ayrton, Michael - Sentinel (Study for Sculpture)
- Ayrton, Michael - Serpentine Figure 11 (Study for Sculpture)
- Ayrton, Michael - Standing Form/2
- Ayrton, Michael - Head of Girl
- Ayrton, Michael - Reflective Heads 1
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur - Risen
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur - Revealed
- Ayrton, Michael - .\Minotaur - Full Grown
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur - Alone
- Ayrton, Michael - Curled Sleeping Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Daedalus / Icarus Matrix 11
- Ayrton, Michael - Advancing Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Study of a mother and child
- Ayrton, Michael - Future Barley
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of Wyndham Lewis
- Ayrton, Michael - Sombre Landscape
- Ayrton, Michael - Three Dancers
- Ayrton, Michael - Triptych III: Emerging Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Child with a Cat
- Ayrton, Michael - Oracle, version 1
- Ayrton, Michael - Still life
- Ayrton, Michael - Wing Maker
- Ayrton, Michael - Demeter
- Ayrton, Michael - Baboon
- Ayrton, Michael - Figure on a Balcony
- Ayrton, Michael - Icarus
- Ayrton, Michael - Oracle I
- Ayrton, Michael - Femmes/Hombres (Verlaine) (7 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - Socrates
- Ayrton, Michael - Landscape study
- Ayrton, Michael - Still Sea 1
- Ayrton, Michael - Minotaur Studies
- Ayrton, Michael - The Unfortunate Traveller
- Ayrton, Michael - Elephant
- Ayrton, Michael - Baboon
- Ayrton, Michael - Moses, Prince of Egypt
- Ayrton, Michael - Watching Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait, October 1
- Ayrton, Michael - Kings Act IV Sc 1, (One of the eight kings from Macbeth); Two other Shakespearian studies; Christmas card (4 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - Girl Wringing Out Her Hair
- Ayrton, Michael - Daedalus (study for sculpture)
- Ayrton, Michael - Sombre Landscape
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of Wyndham Lewis
- Ayrton, Michael - Maze player
- Ayrton, Michael - Payne Street Charing
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of Wyndham Lewis
- Ayrton, Michael - The Future Barley
- Ayrton, Michael - John Gielgud as Macbeth
- Ayrton, Michael - Untitled (from: Minotaur) (5 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - End Maze I
- Ayrton, Michael - Hommes/Femmes (from: Paul Verlaine) (7 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - Study for Minotaur Alarmed
- Ayrton, Michael - Illustration for Tittivulus (2 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - Baboon
- Ayrton, Michael - Crete
- Ayrton, Michael - Demeter
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of CP Snow
- Ayrton, Michael - Afternoon
- Ayrton, Michael - Smoke Mirror Circle
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of Dylan Thomas at Gravesend
- Ayrton, Michael - Portrait of a Man
- Ayrton, Michael - Figure on a Balcony
- Ayrton, Michael - Towards Zacros
- Ayrton, Michael - Figures in a red room
- Ayrton, Michael - Twelve Studies for The Anatomy of Villainy (12 works)
- Ayrton, Michael - Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Watching Figure
- Ayrton, Michael - Hera
- Ayrton, Michael - Head
- Ayrton, Michael - Woman Wringing out her Hair
- Ayrton, Michael - Green Still Life
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